Havana Cigar
Havana Cigar
We are now offering DELIVERY and CURBSIDE service
We are now offering DELIVERY and CURBSIDE service
To better serve our community during this time we are offering FREE* delivery service and curbside pickup. At the moment we are experiencing delivery delays with our cigar shipments, please bare with us as we are working hard to restock as soon as possible.
* $50.00 minimum for FREE delivery service to the surrounding High Desert
Easy As 1-2-3
Easy As 1-2-3
You can give us payment over the phone or via Zelle
Pick Up or
Pick Up or
Call us when you're on the way or we will deliver to you as soon as possible
Thank you to our loyal customers
Thank you to our loyal customers
We know that you have many places to buy your cigars, and we thank you for choosing to shop local during this time. Supporting local small businesses today will ensure their survival tomorrow.
Kelly Stine - Owner